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Summer Horoscope 2022

Summer Horoscope 2022

Otticanet’s annual Summer Horoscope is back! Discover all about your Summer but most importantly which model fits your zodiac sign and your Summer adventures.


Aries - Balmain


Your Summer is going to be busy and it starts with a positive note in June, which will project your life towards a new stage: this is the right time (until mid July) to focus on important life and work projects. You will be able to carry out your plans and you will feel an ever-growing desire to travel and escape the everyday duties. Many relationships will evolve, and you should let life take its course. Make sure to be equipped with long-lasting relationships that will give you the necessary space to grow and share the changes in your life. IF you are single these are your zodiac signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

The perfect glasses for you are the Balmain: bold, gritty and original!



Taurus - Oliver Peoples


An interesting Summer is ahead of you. You had quite a hard time at work, you have faced a very stressful period during which you often felt anxious or angry with someone. Don’t worry though. June brings lightness and romanticism until the end of the month, fixing issues and nurturing relationships. You will make good use of this Summer by cleaning up situations and relationships which have been a source of uneasiness. This is a great turning point. 

If you are single, these are your zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Your pragmatism will be the protagonist of the next three months, and this is why the perfect glasses for you are the Oliver Peoples: classic, elegant and comfy. 


Gemini - Gucci


Be sure to bring back all your sexy outfits, it’s time to socialize! While Jupiter and Mars will revive your network, June will bring fun, laughs and friends. Plan your projects with care during the next week, so you will have  a solid base for the rest of the year. From June 20thyou will be especially magnetic but pay attention to the end of the month, there might be  a huge turning point, either in love or work. It’s time for proposals, promotions, travels, transfers. A small rise or an unexpected gain might make you happy at the beginning of July.

If you are single your zodiac signs are: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

The key words are vitality and enthusiasm so there was no better choice than Gucci


Cancer - Dolce & Gabbana


Dear Cancer, you’ve been through a lot lately, you may wish to change your job, revise your relationships, you feel chased by a list of concerns. You really need to rest to face this loop you feel trapped in. June is the right month to change your attitude, the right epiphany is waiting just around the corner. Plan your next moves. Good news from Love… Mid July and August will make you irresistible. If you are single you zodiac sign is definitely a Pisces, dreamy, creative and intuitive.

For you he thought of the glasses that are the closest to the concept of seduction: Dolce&Gabbana


Leo - Versace


Leo, what a Summer! Success is in your DNA and nothing will go wrong during the next three months. Needless to say, you will be well protected at work as well! You are full of energy, you feel the need to travel, to meet new people, discover new places and stories. Your social life will explode from the end of June, culminating in a new love or a creative development. If you are in a relationship this is the right time to fire up the passion, if you are single your zodiac signs are Cancer, Pisces, Scoprio.

Strong, confident, always on the rise: what’s better than a Versace?


Virgo - Tom Ford


Dear Virgo, a rising sun is on the horizon. Take your own sweet time as you just went through a difficult time. September will bring a life change, promotions, work developments. Relax! From the end of June your social life will be on fire, and maybe this will give you the chance to change professionally. Your Summer will be also all about love and travel, maybe even one connected to the other! If you are single your zodiac sign is Leo.

Your extreme focus to details and mental organization lead to the essential yet unique lines of Tom Ford.


Libra - Saint Laurent


Dear Libra, now more than ever you need to stick to your principles. Try to be a mediator, do not feed up dissent and try to sort out all pending issues. Do not feel anxious please! Relationships and collaborations will shine, a professional success may be around the corner. Be ready to play your cards between June and July. If you are single don’t miss the chance for even something more than just a flirt. Your zodiac sign is Capricorn.

You love beauty and to appease, so your brand is definitely a Saint Laurent, the charm that puts everybody on the same page. 



Scorpion - Balenciaga


Dear Scorpion, you will find yourself in a particular spot during these months, maybe you have caused a little distress around. You need to free yourself from some issues and June is the right month to do so. You need to find some peace, to free your mind, to let yourself be inspired from what surrounds you. The period to do so is August. If you are in a relationship make sure your partner feels loved and appreciated. If you are looking for love you will find someone who will be able to make you happy, most probably a Libra, a Gemini or an Aquarius. 

Intense, charismatic and bold: your glasses are definitely the Balenciaga!


Sagittarius - Prada


This Summer will bring a new-found energy for you, dear Sagittarius: the best period will be during mid August. Your charme will leave everyone breathless at work and outside, you will find a new consciousness in your relationships. More than ever before you will know what you want and what your priorities are. Pay attention to situations that might tempt you, especially with an Aries, a Leo and another Sagittarius. The new Moon will help you both in relationships and in new collaborations. Keep an eye on your wallet. 

To add more appeal to your already great personality, your partner in crime is definitely a Prada!


Capricorn - Burberry


Dear Capricorn, you are a perfectionist. You are always ready to raise the bar, meet new expectations and you will have to face new decisions at work by the end of July. You will probably want to ask for a raise, or maybe to follow a different path altogether. You will be looking for a new balance between life and work, and solutions which will allow you to balance pleasures and duties. You will feel a little tired in June, but you will recover successfully. Summer will bring new passions, whether you are in a relationship or not. If you are single your zodiac signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Solid and visionary, your companion is definitely a Burberry


Aquarius - Bottega Veneta 


The relationships in your life are taking their course, and you better let them do so, whether it is about a new one or the end of an old one. Some people stay in our lives forever, others maybe just for a little part of it. Let it all flow, you will definitely feel better about yourself. This change will attract new people. Make sure to concentrate on your decisions until the beginning of July. August will bring a new consciousness in relationships. The perfect match for you is a Scorpion.

Since you are always divided between rebellion and preservation, the companion for you is a Bottega Veneta!


Pisces - Valentino


Dear Pisces, prepare yourself for a period of prosperity, June will shine a light on all your talents. Maybe a promotion, maybe a new job, or a new project. Until mid August Venus and a favorable Moon will give you an aura of mystery and appeal. Don’t be scared, truth will guide your days. Pay attention to Cancer, you may find them irresistible. 

Sense and sensibility, creative chaos and new possibilities: your perfect match is a Valentino!




And now you will just have to dive into this Summer with your new glasses!

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